CBD Hemp Flower In Hawaii

CBD Flower Hawaii

In 2019, Hawaii farmers cultivated hemp under the state’s industrial hemp pilot program. The state Department of Agriculture granted 30 licenses to companies interested in growing CBD hemp flower in Hawaii.

Although hemp is legal in Hawaii under certain circumstances, the state doesn’t have the most friendly approach to hemp CBD products. 

Can you buy smokable hemp flower in Hawaii? Let’s take a look at the legal status of hemp flower in the Aloha State. 

Is Hemp Flower Legal in Hawaii?

The sale of hemp flower appears to be unregulated in the Aloha State despite being sold in many stores and dispensaries. 

The state allows the cultivation of hemp under their Industrial Hemp Pilot Research Program, which falls under the 2014 Farm Bill. [1]

All efforts to legalize hemp and establish a permanent program under the 2018 Farm Bill in Hawaii have flopped.   

Currently, Hawaii allows the production of hemp for agricultural or academic research only which leaves the commercial sale of hemp flower unregulated. 

Where to Buy Hemp Flower in Hawaii?

The hemp flower market in Hawaii is pretty stale, so many people find the most quality hemp flower online. 

Best Hemp Flower on the Market

Here are the hemp strains from reliable companies we recommend and use:

Cherry Creme Brulee

Cherry Creme Brulee from Mr. Hemp Flower

Mr. Hemp Flower brings you a rare, high-end premium hemp flower in limited quantities. Cherry Creme Brulee is an indoor grown strain with colors that indicate a healthy flower with an insane profile of terpenes and cannabinoids. This flower is a tasty, smooth smoke that fills your body with nutrients. 

Sour Joker Hemp Flower

Sour Joker from Industrial Hemp Farms

A top-shelf strain that contains 22% total cannabinoids, Sour Joker is an extremely dank flower with an incredible smell. Sour Joker is an indoor-grown strain that’s been machine trimmed and comes absolutely seedless.

Remedy from Dr. Ganja

A potent strain, Remedy is a sought-after flower for its strong therapeutic effects, backed up by customers. Remedy offers a clean taste and smell of sweet grass, lemon, alfalfa, hay, and a bit of skunk. The strain contains 19% total cannabinoids.

Is CBD Legal in Hawaii?

Hawaii has some of the most restrictive approaches to hemp CBD products. 

The state is following FDA’s guidelines and prohibits the sale of CBD in food and beverages, as a dietary supplement, and even in cosmetics. 

According to the state Governor, hemp CBD products “sold without a prescription have not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not considered safe for use.” [1]

The Hawaii Department of Health issued a press release stating that: [1]

  • Products containing CBD are not generally considered safe and there may be potential health risks associated with them.
  • It is illegal to add CBD to food, beverages and cosmetics that are manufactured, distributed and sold in Hawaii.
  • CBD may not be sold as a “dietary supplement.”
  • CBD may not be marketed by asserting health claims because that would constitute prohibited misbranding or false advertising.
  • CBD is the active ingredient in an FDA-approved prescription drug. Therefore, it cannot be put into food, beverages and cosmetics, sold as a drug without a prescription, or marketed as a “dietary supplement.”


How much hemp flower can you purchase at once in Hawaii?

The state has yet to regulate the commercial sale of hemp smokeables. For the time being, there is no limitation on the quantity of hemp flower you are allowed to purchase at once.

Do you need a special license to purchase hemp flower in Hawaii?

Hawaii has yet to regulate commercial sale of hemp flower and smokeable products. For now, you don’t need a special license to buy smokable hemp flower in Hawaii.

Is it legal to sell hemp flower in Hawaii?

Hawaii is in the process of regulating hemp and hemp products, so there is no law that explicitly bans or allows the retail sale of hemp flower.

Is CBD from hemp legal in Hawaii?

No. CBD from hemp seems to be unlawful in Hawaii. The state Gov. and Department of Health issued statements declaring the sale of CBD in food products, dietary supplements, and cosmetics unlawful. The state is following FDA’s guidelines on the sale of hemp CBD products.

Where can you buy hemp flower in Hawaii?

The best option is to purchase online and have it delivered to your home.

Is CBD oil legal in Hawaii?

No, the state prohibits the sale of hemp CBD products, including CBD oil with less than 0.3% THC.

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